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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Possible Possibility? Meet the Butterfly Quilt at the Prime Meridian in September, Oprah

Two tickets for London, England were purchased today. Six months in advance. The quilt journey ends in September, and John and I will cap it off at Greenwich. Wouldn't it be great if other peacemakers decided to gather at the Prime Meridian on September 11 to help deliver the butterfly peace quilt to Ms. Oprah? (The Queen might be more accessible.)

Today I'm organizing April peace talks both in Texas and in two more Oregon schools while practicing my impersonation of Eleanor Roosevelt during breaks. Eleanor be carrying the peace quilt to future generations during a May A.A.U.W. luncheon in Lake Oswego. I love "becoming" Eleanor, a personal hero of mine...also a relative.

I started my day by writing Oprah with a quick update on the peace quilt journey's progress around the world. I suggested she come and collect the quilt at the Prime Meridian in September, of course. ( She could Skype at the very least.) I continue to write her periodically. I want her to acknowledge that adolescents are continuing to influence all ages to become peacemakers. In this particular letter I suggested that she look for "Postmistress" Marge Aukerman in her Chicago audience on April 23. Marge will be handing over more filled-out peace postcards from Washington State adults and children

Marge Aukerman(second from left) will visit Chicago on April 23. She can't show the quilt on Oprah's show but will drop visions-of-peace postcards in the media star's path.

I started my day by writing Oprah with a quick update on the peace quilt journey's progress around the world. I suggested she come and collect the quilt at the Prime Meridian in September, of course. ( She could Skype at the very least.) I continue to write her periodically. I want her to acknowledge that adolescents are continuing to influence all ages to become peacemakers. In this particular letter I suggested that she look for "Postmistress" Marge Aukerman in her Chicago audience on April 23. Marge will be handing over more filled-out peace postcards from Washington State adults and children.

Finally, I paused to take stock. I affirmed the middle schoolers' impossible dream of inspiring the sending of 1,000,000 peace visions addressed to Oprah Winfrey out into the ether. To boost my flagging spirits, I looked at pictures of the faces of children teaching younger children about peace.

I memorized the following words from Frances Morre Lappe: "It's not possible to know what is possible," before taking a nap.

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