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Friday, February 26, 2010

Where is that Peace Quilt when you need it?



I deleted the picture of the offending horse. (It could have been worse.)

Question: What happens when a traveling peacemaker named Lura rides a horse after zipping over the canopy forest in Costa Rica?

Answer: A sprained sternum! (I'd never heard of it either. Watch a Carol Burnett rerun about how to get on a horse. Next try to imagine my "unpeace-filled," sideways moment. Good news: I'll recover. Bad news: The doctor said that I'd hurt for a long time.)

Question: What happens when a woman named Laura(current vice president and peacemaker politician) runs for Costa Rican President?

Answer: She wins! A first. ( I bet she can ride horses too.)

In spite of sprung chests and mishaps, my trip to Costa Rica was delightfully successful. Peace prevails there. It's got a lot to do with happiness and satisfaction and the right emphasis on money for education instead of weapons. My friend Barbara just sent a great link from a New York Times article that is a "must read." Costa Ricans are rated the happiest people on the planet. I understand why the sharing of the mini butterfly quilt seemed so welcomed at the school we visited. Studying peace is their country's curriculum. The sharing of peace visions and actions is the norm; making peace is education's intent. We have much to learn!


  1. Wait a minute! Did the croc eat the horse?

    I did one of those zip-line tours of the forest canopy in Costa Rica, too! It was great fun.

  2. Mighty hungry croc...It just looks like chicken.


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